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Get the details on how the proposed rule impacts 401(k) advisers and what it means to business owners that offer a 401(k) plan.

  • The proposed rule would expand what counts as a fiduciary functions.
  • If the proposed rule is adopted without change, more financial advisers would be considered ERISA fiduciaries.
  • Plan sponsors (business owners offering their employees a 401(k) plan) have an opportunity to determine how their current relationships with all of the service providers working with the plan – and financial advisers specifically – may need to change.


The White House Council of Economic Advisers (CEA) in a study released in February 2015, quantified the costs of this conflict of interest at $17 billion annually or almost half a trillion dollars over 20 years.1   The new rule would establish that an advisor who is paid to provide advice (what stocks or mutual funds to buy or sell) would be required to put the client’s interests first.